Government jobs in Pakistan

How to Find Government Jobs in Pakistan? Your 2024 Guide

Are you looking for a job that will give you stability and benefit? The government jobs in Pakistan are the best place to start. Not only do these highly sought-after jobs offer job security and competitive pay, but they also provide chances to move up in their careers. For every skill set, the government has a job. There are jobs in education, health care, management, and defense.

The best part? There will be a huge number of interesting chances in many departments, provinces, and towns in 2024. Hold on tight, because this is the complete guide to getting your dream government job in Pakistan. Get ready to learn important tips for a successful application and a review of the jobs that are open.

Government Jobs in Pakistan by Department

There are many job openings in the Pakistani government, spread out among many offices and groups. Here are some of the most important areas and jobs that will be open in 2024:

Federal Government Departments:

  • Federal Board of Revenue (FBR): Tax officers, inspectors, auditors
  • Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC): Engineers, scientists, technicians
  • Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF): Production managers, quality control officers
  • National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM): Researchers, engineers
  • Rescue 1122: Emergency response officers, dispatchers
  • National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA): Analysts, regulators

Armed Forces Departments:

Department Positions
Pakistan Army Commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers
Pakistan Navy Naval officers, sailors
Pakistan Air Force Air force officers, airmen
Pakistan Police Police officers, constables
Pakistan Rangers Paramilitary officers, soldiers
Frontier Corps (FC) Paramilitary officers, soldiers
Airport Security Force (ASF) Security officers, screeners
Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) Investigators, intelligence officers
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Intelligence officers, analysts

The Army wants to hire new people to do important jobs. As an Assistant Director, Traffic Analyst Supervisor, or Sub Inspector, they need 117 people to fill those roles. Your age must be between 18 and 30 and you must have graduated from high school or college.

Provincial Breakdown

In 2024, jobs with the government will be available in many of Pakistan’s states. Here’s a breakdown:


  • There are job openings in Kamra, Attock, at the National Aeronautics and Space Technology Park (NASTP).
  • The Punjab Healthcare Commission is looking for people to work in Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Sargodha.
  • The Punjab Police Special Branch is hiring all over the state.


  • The Sindh Rescue 1122 and the Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122 are hiring in many towns across Sindh.


  • The Nasirabad Range has jobs available with the Balochistan Police.
  • The Information Commission of Balochistan is hiring people in Quetta.
  • The Agriculture and Cooperative Department of Balochistan is hiring all over the province.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP):

  • There are internships available through the KPCIP Internship Program 2024 in Peshawar, Abbottabad, Kohat, Mardan, and Mingora.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK):

  • AJK Public Works Department is recruiting Drivers and Cooks in Rawalakot and Poonch.

Application and Selection Process

The application and selection process for government jobs in Pakistan typically involves the following steps:

Job Advertisement:

There are many places where you can find job openings in the government, such as newspapers, official websites, and public service commission portals. The ad gives information about the job, like the title, the type of job, the qualifications and skills needed, the number of openings, and the place where the job is based.

Application Submission:

Candidates must send in their applications through the official routes, which could be online sites or by mailing in application forms. The application must be accompanied by the necessary paperwork, such as proof of schooling, proof of work experience, and other supporting papers.

Entrance Exams:

To get many government jobs, you have to pass an entrance exam or assessment given by testing groups such as the National Testing Service (NTS), the Provincial Testing Service (PTS), the Entrance Test for Educational Institutions (ETEA), and others. Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that test basic knowledge, English language skills, and subject-specific knowledge are common on these tests.

Exam Preparation:

To excel in the competitive exams, candidates should:

  • Learn about the exact topics covered and the format of the test for the government job you want.
  • Get official study tools and question papers from past years to get a feel for how the test is set up.
  • Set up an organized study plan that focuses on important topics, and make time for regular practice tests.
  • For good advice, you might want to join a teaching school or an online course.
  • Keep up with current events and improve your general knowledge.

Interview and Assessment:

Depending on the job role and area, people who do well on the entrance exams may be asked to go through more tests, such as interviews, written tests, psychological tests, or skill tests.

Final Selection:

Candidates for government jobs are picked and chosen based on how well they did overall in the different rounds of testing.

It is important to keep in mind that the application and selection process may be slightly different depending on the job, the department, and the type of government job test, such as the Civil Service Examinations (CSS), the Provincial Public Service Commission (PPSC) exams, or other tests run by federal and provincial government departments. There is also no set score needed to pass, and the tests can be a lot of different lengths.

Tips for Successful Job Applications

In Pakistan, you need a plan to get through the government job search process. It is very important to keep up with job openings by checking government websites, newspapers, and public service commission webpages. For each job, make sure your resume highlights the skills and experiences that are most important to the job, and make sure you carefully follow the application instructions.

Preparation is key for excelling in competitive exams and interviews:

  1. For the job you want, learn about the exam’s content, structure, and pattern.
  2. Get official study tools and question papers from earlier years, and think about taking online courses or joining a coaching school to get help.
  3. Work on getting good at language and math because these are the main skills that are tested on most government job tests.
  4. While studying for a test, learn how to control your time and worry and stay away from things that will distract you.

Having friends who work for the government can help you get a good job. You can also apply for more than one job to make it more likely that someone will hire you! Many people want these jobs, so you need to work hard and keep your mind on the task at hand. Some people might pick their friends over other people who are qualified for the job, which is not always fair. Don’t worry, though. There are tests that make sure everyone has the same chance of getting important government jobs.


Is a Government Job Worth Pursuing in Pakistan?

Government jobs in Pakistan are prized for employment stability. Government jobs are solid and offer several advantages. These jobs offer consistent pay, health insurance, retirement programs, and set hours.

What Are the Best Government Jobs for Women in Pakistan?

Teaching and medicine are great careers for women in Pakistan. Teachers are revered, and many women choose to teach. Women have several options in medicine and nursing due to the country’s healthcare need.

What Are the Top Government Jobs in Terms of Salary?

The highest-paying government jobs in India are in the Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), Indian Police Services (IPS), Indian Engineering Services (IES), Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Indian Forest Services, RBI Grade B, and SEBI Grade A.

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